Mixed with the two classes of double-opponent cells (red- green and yellow-blue) were ordinary broad-band, center- surround cells. Again, these broadband cells differed from cells in the upper geniculate layers and from cells in 4Cß in having several times larger center sizes. Blobs also contain cells that are indistinguishable from geniculate type 2 cells, resembling double-opponent cells but lacking the receptive- field surround. Margaret Livingstone and I have proposed that the blobs represent a branch of the visual pathway that is devoted to "color", using the word broadly to include blacks, whites, and grays. This system seems to separate off from the rest of the visual path either in the lateral geniculate body or in layer 4 of the striate cortex. (The geniculate probably projects directly but weakly to the blobs. It seems likely that layer 4Cß also projects to them, and it may well form their main input. Whether 4Ca projects to them is not clear.) Most blob cells seem to require border contrast in order to give responses at all: either luminous-intensity borders, in the case of the broad-band, center-surround cells or color- contrast borders, in the case of the double-opponent cells would respond. As I argued earlier, this amounts to saying that these cells play a part in color constancy. If blob cells are involved in color constancy, they cannot be carrying out the computation exactly as Land first envisioned it, by making a separate comparison between a region and its surround for each of the cone wavebands. Instead they would seem to be doing a Hering-like comparison: of red- greenness in one region with red-greenness in the surround, and the same for yellow- blueness and for intensity. But the two ways of handling color- -r, g, and b on the one hand and b-w, r-g, and y-b on the other-- are really equivalent.